Accepted Papers

Using Security Features for Cloud Computing Based on New Symmetric Key Algorithm Saeed Q. Al-Khalidi Al-Maliki 1and Fahad Alfifi 2
Yomi Gom1,Department of Computer Science, Washington Institute of Technology, USA


Cloud computing platforms deliver critical business applications in large part because of sales commitments to security and privacy. With the help of cloud computing, large pools of resources can be connected via private or public networks to provide dynamically scalable infrastructures for application, data and file storage. Additionally, the costs of computing, application hosting, content storage and delivery can be significantly reduced. However, problems arise with cloud computing concerning data privacy, security and authenticity. Hence, our research paper presents an efficient method for providing data-storage security in cloud computing using a new simple symmetric key algorithm. This algorithm includes such important security services as key generation, encryption and decryption that are provided in cloud computing systems. The main scope of this paper is to solve the security issues in both cloud providers and cloud consumers using new cryptography methods.

Desain and Implementation Oof Fm Radio Waves as Distance Measuring AC Voltage

Slamet Suripto and Iswanto, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,Indonesia.


Increasingly widespread and sophisticated electricity theft committed by businesses and households to make the losses suffered by the State greater. Indicators that can be used as a reference to determine whether the sector in the load point of theft is to observe changes in the value of current flowing in the load point, because in every area of distribution the value of current flowing is determined by PLN. But keep in mind that changes to the current value of a network is not only due solely because of theft but the change in the value of the current can also be caused by external factors, such as lightning disturbances. To solve the theft of electricity is then needed a measuring tool for observing changes in the value of current that can be used in a power grid which then gauge observations are compared with data obtained information from the registrar meter. In the design and manufacture of equipment, data transmission measurements using FM radio communication because communication is more resistant to FM interference (noise). Data measurement results must be recorded and stored on a computer.

Using Security Features for Cloud Computing Based on New Symmetric Key Algorithm

Sk.AbdulNabi and Dr. P. Premchand,Department of CSE, AVN Inst. of Engg. & Tech, Hyderabad, A.P, India.


Cloud computing platforms deliver critical business applications in large part because of sales commitments to security and privacy. With the help of cloud computing, large pools of resources can be connected via private or public networks to provide dynamically scalable infrastructures for application, data and file storage. Additionally, the costs of computing, application hosting, content storage and delivery can be significantly reduced. However, problems arise with cloud computing concerning data privacy, security and authenticity. Hence, our research paper presents an efficient method for providing data-storage security in cloud computing using a new simple symmetric key algorithm. This algorithm includes such important security services as key generation, encryption and decryption that are provided in cloud computing systems. The main scope of this paper is to solve the security issues in both cloud providers and cloud consumers using new cryptography methods.


G.Nagarajan and K.K.Thyagharajan,Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai,India.


Information retrieval is one of the most common web service used. Information is knowledge. In earlier days one has to find a resource person or resource library to acquire knowledge. But today just by typing a keyword on a search engine all kind of resources are available to us. Due to this mere advancement there are trillions of information available on net. So, in this era we are in need of search engine which also search with us by understanding the semantics of given query by the user. One such design is only possible only if we provide semantic to our ordinary HTML web page. In this paper we have explained the concept of converting an HTML page to RDFS/OWL page. This technique is incorporated along with natural language technology as we have to provide the Hyponym and Meronym of the given HTML pages. Through this automatic conversion the concept of intelligent information retrieval is framed.


Manjula Shenoy.K,Dr.K.C.Shet,Dr. U.Dinesh Acharya,Department of Computer Engineering,Suratkal.


World Wide Web consists of more than 50 billion pages online. It is highly dynamic [9] i.e. the web continuously introduces new capabilities and attracts many people. Due to this explosion in size, the effective information retrieval system or search engine can be used to access the information. In this paper we have proposed the EPOW (Effective Performance of WebCrawler) architecture. It is a software agent whose main objective is to minimize the overload of a user locating needed information. It is very subjective, based upon what information is needed and the willingness of a user to accept overhead. We have designed the web crawler by considering the parallelization policy. Since our EPOW crawler has a highly optimized system it can download a large number of pages per second while being robust against crashes. We have also proposed to use the data structure concepts for implementation of scheduler & circular Queue to improve the performance of our web crawler.

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